
How to register to get an organ for transplant?

There are many patients that do not have a matching eligible living donor and in case of heart and lung transplant, the only way is to wait for a deceased donor. Once a patient is deemed a transplant candidate, they can register with the respective state government’s cadaver transplant programs from the hospital of their

Intestinal Transplant

Intestinal transplant is a surgical procedure in which a patient’s failed or diseased part of intestine is replaced with the intestine from a donor. What are the indications of intestinal transplant? Short gut syndrome (68% of cases) and functional bowel problems (15%) are the major sources of intestinal failure leading to intestinal transplantation. Who cannot receive a

Pancreas Transplant

A pancreas transplant is a surgical procedure to place a healthy pancreas from a donor into a person whose pancreas no longer functions properly. What are the indications of pancreas transplant? Pancreatic transplant is performed in a patient with Type I Diabetic Nephropathy. Usually pancreas transplant is performed simultaneously with kidney transplant. Who cannot receive pancreas transplant?

Heart Transplant

Heart transplant is a surgical procedure where the diseased or failed heart is replaced with a heart from a brain dead patient. What are the indications of heart transplant? A heart transplant is a surgical transplant procedure performed on patients with end-stage heart failure or severe coronary artery disease when other medical or surgical treatments have failed. Who cannot receive a heart transplant?

Liver Transplant

Liver transplant is the procedure where the infected or diseased liver is replaced with a part or whole of new liver from the donor. Liver transplantation is the only option for liver failure as nothing else can replace the liver function as in kidney failure where dialysis can be done to sustain life. What are the indications of

Kidney Transplant

Kidney transplant is the surgical procedure where the damaged/failed kidney is replaced by a new kidney from a donor. In the End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), dialysis or kidney transplantation are the only options to sustain life. Transplant is a better option as it provides a better quality of life and higher rehabilitation. What are the indications of