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Organ donation is giving an organ to help someone who needs a transplant. Transplants can save or greatly enhance the lives of other people. But this relies on donors and their families agreeing to
A donation can help patients whose organs are not working properly or failed, are declared as a “transplant candidate” by the doctors and need an organ transplant to survive. As per Transplan
As the donation takes place after death of an individual, you may pledge to donate organs by taking a donor card. The consent from the family members is essential to donate organs even though the dece
Anybody irrespective of age, sex, caste, religion, community, or suffering from current or past medical conditions can pledge to become an organ and tissue donor. However, children (below 18 years of
All patients needing a transplant can choose a hospital recognized by the respective state government cadaver transplant authority and register in the hospital of their choice. After registration, a
There are many patients that do not have a matching eligible living donor and in case of heart and lung transplant, the only way is to wait for a deceased donor. Once a patient is deemed a transpla