Tag Archives: Organ Donation

Organ Donation

Need for Organ Donation

Shortage of organs is a universal problem and is more prevalent in Asian countries than the rest of the world. Organ donation rate in India is abysmally low at 0.5 per million persons.

Virtually, all the natural deaths can be converted into corneal/eye donations and corneal blindness can be driven away. More than 70% of patients succumbing to accidents are brain dead and can be potential organ donors. There are about 50,000 people dying every day in India where every organ and tissue can be harvested and transplanted but India has innumerable patients that cannot find a donor and are waiting for a second chance of life.

This shortage of/demand for organs, especially kidney, is considered to be the leading cause of organ commerce/trade in India. It is also observed that large proportion of live donors in India are women (around 70%), it is either the mother to save her son or wife to save her husband form the majority of live organ donors. Though donating organs does not affect the donor’s health, there are some incidents where donors lost their lives either during the surgery or after the surgery due to unexpected complications. Organ Donor network strives to save lives and provide comfort to the patients and families affected by organ failure and strengthen their hope through deceased organ and tissue donation.